Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The secret of 'I am....'

Who am I?

I am someone who has the power to be anything they want to be.
I have a mind capable of achieving any thought I give to it.
I am someone whose thoughts power their reality.

So who am I?

You of course!

We are very powerful beings with the ability to create anything we want. Yes! What your mind can believe, you can achieve. True 'scientific' story.

The secret of I am? So what does this mean and what is the secret?

The words 'I am' are very powerful. Anything you place after those words can literally become your reality.

As discussed in a previous post, when you think a new thought your mind changes in so many ways. You create new exciting neural pathways. And when you think the same thought over and over again, those pathways become stronger and eventually those thoughts create who you are.

These are my 'I am' statements:

I am a writer. I am a compassionate person who will make a difference in this life. I am an innovator and influencer. I am happy.

Just typing those words helps to create my reality.

What are your 'I am ' statements?

Before you do that, think about who it is you want to be. Your mind creates your reality so make sure those 'I am' statements are worthwhile. They need to be positive.

It takes a lifetime to create ourselves. Every now and then, we need to reflect on our experiences and remind ourselves of who we are. Are we on the right path? Are we who we want to be?

Our thoughts create our reality so why not make yourself brilliant!

Have fun..


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