Wednesday 10 October 2012

Being inspired is thought provoking!

Firstly the title of this post came to me about two nights ago in bed. I have my phone next to me and when I have a thought that will promote inspiration, I write it down in a little note pad app. This one is perfect for this post.

I had no idea what I would write about next, until I was reading on the tram on the way home and read this paragraph:

"...The sadness that a loss brings has certain invariable effects: it closes down our interest in diversions and pleasures, fixes attention on what has been lost, and saps our energy for starting new endeavours - at least for the time being. In short, it enforces a kind of reflective retreat from life's busy pursuits, and leaves us in a suspended state to mourn the loss, mull over its meaning, and, finally, make the psychological adjustments and new plans that will allow our lives to continue."
'Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ'

Now you may wonder how the title of my blog and this quote actually fit together and I guess that is the beauty of inspiration. It can come from anywhere.

The paragraph above inspired me to write and inspired me to think.

The mind is incredible. It has it's own agenda and control when it really needs to. When we lose someone for example, the mind takes over the body and gives us the tools we need unconsciously to deal with the situation. We are born with survival mechanisms which take over instinctively when needed. I love that.

As much as I learn how to control the mind to get the most out of life, I am happy to allow my mind to guide me when I really need it.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel. A little insight to you - a bit of self awareness. Only then can you challenge your thoughts and feelings and begin to create that person you really inspire to be.

~Veronica Wood~

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