Sunday 7 October 2012

Where to start....

So, I have writers block and I haven't even started!

Ok not really. What I really meant was WHERE DO I START?
I have spent a bit of time thinking about the title and structure of this book so I will start there. I know that these things will all be worked out in time, but I thought I would jot some ideas down nonetheless.
My blog is titled Colour your Canvas. I love this title and to me has plenty of meaning but is this a good enough title for my book? You know what? I don't think so and here is what I have learnt:
Firstly, the title does not clearly state what the book is about. I know what it means, and it is obvious to me, but we can never assume that anyone else can interpret it the same way (or if they can interpret it at all). We all come from different backgrounds, have had different experiences and therefore relate to most things differently. Hence that title would mean very little to most people. Damn!

Secondly, human beings are attracted to things they can easily recognise, understand and things that provoke feeling. They are also attracted to what is familiar and comfortable. The title Colour your Canvas would not provoke any of this for most people.

Therefore the title will definitely take some work.
Now the title is only one part (a very important one) but the book needs to be attractive and demand someone's attention when they pick it up. It needs an image! What sort of image? What is appealing? Apparently we pay attention to many different things:
"We pay a lot of attention to colour. We pay lots of attention to orientation. We pay lots of attention to size. And we pay special attention if the object is in motion."
(Medina, J. 2008 brain rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school, Scribe, Melbourne, pg 237)
I can definitely add colour, orientation and size. Not too sure I could have a moving title page but hey - if it can be done, I will probably look into it :)

I have been thinking about starting this book for over 2 years, but I feel this is now the beginning. I have worked out where I will draw my creative inspiration from - the research books I read - and then write the content based on scientific research, my own intuition on the subject and offer motivational guidance drawn from all this information. Biting off more than I can chew? ABSOLUTELY!
“Goals are there to challenge us, not to limit us”
~Veronica Wood~

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