Saturday 6 October 2012

Let the journey begin...

It has been a long time between posts. I have changed jobs 3 times and moved twice since I posted last. Never a dull moment in my life let me tell you!

Hubby and I now live in Melbourne. We moved from the Sunshine Coast, a very sleepy part of Queensland to the food (and culture) capital of Australia! This is where the energy is and it brings inspiration to everything you do.

I believe your surroundings make you or break you. I want to inspire, and to do that, need to be inspired :).

We have been in Melbourne now since the 15th August (2012) and are feeling really settled. Love our little apartment and our jobs and I can now focus more on writing.

The first part of writing my book will be to research. To read books on the mind and psychology and to analyse and create thought based on what I read. I have read two books so far - Evolve your Brain by Dr Joe Dispenza and Brain Rules by John Medina. I am onto my third (Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ) but decided to start analysing the first two in the meantime.

I will be using my blog as a bit of a writing pad, to jot thoughts down, and to use as scribble paper as the beginnings of my book.

It will either be interesting reading or a little hard to understand as I fumble my way through writing my first book.

Welcome to my journey.

My personal best is all I expect from myself. Why would I settle for anything less.
~Veronica Wood~

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