Sunday 14 October 2012

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature.... hmmm

I was reading through some notes I had scribbled down, ideas and motivations, and I had written down the phrase 'Wisdom Literature'.

I am looking for a classification for my book and I think this just might be it.

So what is Wisdom and what is Wisdom Literature. Here is a start:

"Wisdom is the conscious understanding of how we can create any experience at will. Wisdom can also result when we learn from an undesirable experience by understanding what we did to produce that outcome, so that we no longer create that event over again. Evolution is the wisdom from understanding the feelings we have created, based on what we have learned, demonstrated, and then experienced."
(Dispenza, J. 2007, Evolve your Brain: The science of changing your mind, Health Communications, Inc. Deerfield Beach, Florida)

So is knowledge and experience the highway to wisdom? Or do we need to be hardwired to be wise?

What will be important for me when writing my book is to communicate that we have the power (now) to achieve anything at will, regardless of our dispositions. Our minds are malleable and with each new thought and experience we create a new way of thinking and with a new way of thinking, comes a new you.

I imagine my book explaining how this works from a scientific cellular level but in layman's terms. I want to write in a way that everyone can understand, learn from and enjoy.

To gain wisdom you need to take risks. Risks create experience - experience creates knowledge - knowledge with experience creates wisdom. Next time you are wondering whether to or not - take the risk.
~Veronica Wood~

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